Friday, March 04, 2005

What A Way To End An Evening

Oh shit. On my way home from Wild Wings tonight, one of my worst fears happened. A deer ran out in front of my car and I hit it. I swerved and tried to miss it, but it was no use. The road was too dark, and I didn't see it until it was too late. Although the deer is nowhere to be seen, I f*cked up one of the cars from off of our lot. Shit shit shit. Kevin is so pissed at me...I hate being helpless like this. All I can do is apologize and sit there like a dumbass while I'm being bitched at. It sucks to be dependent and useless. What a shitty feeling.


At 11:15 PM, Blogger XOsunnydaysXO said...

nope, you can't claim on dealership insurances. if you do, they'll cancel you. it's extremely difficult to find someone to cover you, and expensive. after all, no insurance-no car business. they know that, and they take full advantage of the situation. a$$holes.


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