Friday, August 12, 2005

That's Mrs. Ah-nold To You

I met with Judy, a personal trainer at World Fitness today. Somewhere along the line of being pregnant and sitting on my ass studying, I've noticed that I'm getting a bit flabby. I finally decided a few days ago to quit letting my healthy eating habits slip (too much)and to hire a prenatal certified personal trainer to assist me with keeping my fitness on track.

Since the baby is due in February, my personal goal is to be ready to run the new Cooper River Bridge in April. It seems that as long as I am continuing to avoid losing anymore lean muscle, and keep up with some light cardio, I shouldn't fall too horribly far behind. Before pregnancy, I was running 6-6 1/2 miles twice a week, but the heat has made me decide against it. So, I think I'll continue teaching kickboxing twice a week, weight training twice a week, and cardio once a week.

It all sounds good, but we'll see how long I'll be able to manage to keep this going. As far as I know, I'm gonna give all my efforts for the entire pregnancy. On top of that, I hope to juggle my possible changing career. It's gonna be a huge year of change for me! I hope...


At 11:00 AM, Blogger XOsunnydaysXO said...


..."she's got hiiiiigh hopes, she's got hiiiiigh hopes...." ;)


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