Saturday, September 17, 2005

Only Halfway Through

It's hard for me to believe that next week, I'll be halfway through my pregnancy. I can honestly say that this week, I've begun to feel pregnant. Finally strangers are asking if I'm expecting. I was really enjoying the idea of feeling the baby move, and the joys of pregnancy, without the look of it. So much for that. I guess that when initially asked, my first instinct and feeling is a twinge of offense ("Oh great...I look pregnant..."), but the truth is-Oh yeah, I am pregnant.

Aside from the superficial vain aspects, my body has begun to hurt. I toss and turn at night from my aching hips, and my back has started hurting all day too. I truly thought that this was easy! I thought, "Piece of cake!" But, this week, I've started to rethink on that. I'm only halfway through, and while it's not quite all that bad just yet, I'm beginning to wonder...

...maybe this won't be as easy as I thought...


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