Thursday, April 21, 2005

Now What

Well, it seems that Amber is forming a blockage in her stomach; probably from chewing on undigestable carpet. I'm to give her 5 days of medicine to get her digestive system moving to help work it out. If it gets any worse, she will require surgery to get the mass cut out. I think she should be okay, though.

NOW...I woke up this morning to find myself COVERED in hives! I'm talking from toe to neck, I have raised itchy splotches all over my body! Even my hands have hives all the way down to my fingers.So, I need my own doctor visit today and was given some medications as well to help calm them down. I felt a little self conscious at the pharmacy while paying for my medications. I could just feel the cashier inspecting my patchy arms and hands as I handed the money over. I feel like the damned Elephant Man.

The medicine has me feeling like a zombie and I'm not to sweat, get hot, or drive. I have to teach kickboxing in an hour, and I've no idea how that will go. I wonder if Kevin will teach for me so I can go lay down? I can barely keep my eyes open....zzzz......


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